Thursday, 9 May 2013


One thing about relationship with a career woman is that most of them may not have the much time needed for their partners because of the huge responsibilities they might have to their work,friends and in some cases kids.Although work is important as humans,however, it becomes a problem when it takes the most part of a persons life and affects their relationship with their partners.For a guy who is new to dating older women you might find this a bit difficult to stomach and feel that your partner may not care enough about you.This is because older women unlike their younger counterparts who may have lots of free time to spend with you have very active and busy lives.

In dating an older woman therefore,there are a lot of things you will need to put up with about her lifestyle that you probably never experienced dating a young girl.It is important that you understand the pressures that goes with her work.You must know before hand what her job entails as well as other commitment she might have that might keep her away from you most of the time.Its wrong for you to expect her to cut down her workload if you already knew and agreed with putting up with her responsibilities from the beginning.however,if there is need for some adjustment it should be brought up in a positive way and you can both come up with creative solutions.Nagging and complaining will not do you any good because when you are often angry with your partner then its almost unlikely that she would want to find constructive ways of solving the problem with you.

It is very wrong to compare or compete with you friends who you think may have enough time to spend with their partners.Instead you should appreciate the time you have and share with your partner and try to make this as sweet and special as you can instead of using it to fight and argue.Try to establish non-negotiable time for the both of you to do something together.This time could be used to watch a movie,share a walk,cook a meal together however,the most important thing is that you both agree on it.Using scolding as a reinforcement to get her to spend time with you will not do a good job instead give her a great reason to slow down and spend some time with you.Always try to be tactical without blaming or broaching the issue with resentment.It will only give her reasons to fight back.

Finally,above everything else it is important to make the time you spend together count.It is always better if you have something you are doing that will keep you busy.Most young men feel there isn't much need for a job and see their relationship with an older woman as their career.This is one reason they might feel a stronger attachment to their partner than is necessary.

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